Ideated by 4 experienced professionals concentrating on Motors design, Motor drive electronics, Inverters, Battery management systems, DC-DC converters and digital SMPS.

WelkinRim, work on the needs of industries on customized solutions and with other startups to translate ideas in to actual products of world class standards. Domain experts and professors form academic institutions support us on this translations to make it best of its kind.

To point out a few of our development abilities form our portfolio,

  • Design and development of Motors and its associated drives electronics for IM/PMSM/SR
  • Battery Management Systems (BMS) and Battery Chargers for EV’s
  • Power Controllers and converters for Solar applications
  • High gain DC-DC Converters Ranging for fractional kW to 5kW
  • Remotely controllable Precession Electronic Loads 250W to 2.5kW
  • Multi output high voltage SMPS for Motor Drive application
COnveter Panel

Our forte

You can trust us on these

bldc drive

Design and Development


Design and Prototyping


Efficient Algorithm


Customized Development

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Important FAQ’s

What Welkinrim can do?

Welkinrim can do Application Development (AD) with customized product as per industrial requirements with advanced technology at affordable price. Design services : Schematics, PCB Design, Firmware development. Development cycle: Understand customer requirement – Conceptualization– Engineering – Prototype – Field Testing – Production

Fields of expertise and capabilities

Welkinrim can undertake end to end customized product development in the field of Power Converters, Motor Drives, Special Electrical Machine Design, Battery Management System and Firmware Development.

What has been done

We did more than 20 products which are successfully running across different locations in India to mention few here. >>Power Converters – 100KW High frequency power converter for power generation application, 2KW Electronics Load. >>Motor Drives – 20kW VFD for IM, 5kW PMSM drive. >>Special Electrical Machine Design – 12kW PMSM Motor for traction application, 200W SRM. >>Firmware – Trapezoidal control of BLDC and PMSM, Sine drive control algorithm for PMSM, FOC for PMSM, Vector control of IM.

Modalities and deliverables?

Complete Technology Transfer (ToT) starting from requirement specification, Schematic, Board, Gerber, BOM, Technical document, Assembly guide, Troubleshooting guide. Production oriented Technology Transfer – Gerber, BOM, Assembly guide, Troubleshooting guide

How can we monitor work progress and quality

Project will be divided into multiple milestones and timeline. Detailed report will be submitted at the end of each milestones. We have robust verification methodology and Quality Control (QC) process with well qualified engineering team.

How we stand out

We are extremely good at what we do with domain specific experts and qualified engineering team. We provide best quality, world class design and extreme reliability at affordable price. We have what it takes to be ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) as one stop solutions We understand customer specific requirement and deliver reliable, quality product. Rapid prototyping of field ready product in 3 to 6 Months depends on complexity